Our charity event «Fitness-against-Children’s Cancer» in 2021 was a great success. Together, our employees and their families burned more than 100,000 calories. For 10 cents per calorie, we jogged, hiked or cycled in Switzerland and Singapore. In total, we were able to donate a total amount of more than CHF 11,000.
More than 2/3 of the total amount went to the Stiftung Kinderkrebsforschung Schweiz and to the Stiftung Sonnenschein. We donated the remaining amount of more than CHF 2’000 to the Children’s Cancer Foundation in Singapore (CCF Singapore). Fitness-against-Children’s Cancer was initiated by us because the traditional sponsor run Gemeinsam-gegen-Kinderkrebs could not take place in 2020 due to Covid-19. We would like to thank all participants for their solidarity with the families challenged with children’s cancer and their efforts in favour of child cancer research.